We help you
reach the
FAT is TIMOL's official training program, which promotes a high level of theoretical and practical education and teaches the best and proven ways to develop the business. If you joined Timol s team, this is a great option for your development!

watch the available TRAININGS below

Learn to sell from scratch! No need experience!
Are you ashamed of public speaking or making an approach?
Here you'll learn step-by-step the best sales techniques on the market!

in the field
with your teacher!
In addition to learning how to sell
better you will still have supervised practical classes to lose any fear!
Exclusive conditions during the course
Faculdade Timol has an exclusive support team for students and speakers,
where all support and guidance is provided during entire educational process.
Educational Process
Training contains 8 classes, 6 theoretical and 2 practical
The maximum duration of FAT is 2 months, or 8 weeks (may adapt to more than one class per week, according to student needs)
Classes take place in person or via videoconference
To ensure a satisfactory instructor dedication to everyone, the average number of students per class is 8 to 10 people
Goals will be set so that, during this training period, all students are able to obtain the profit corresponding to the investment of their franchise
Students that finishes FAT with a score above 7 points will receive a Course Certificate, becoming then a Timol Graduate, earning the right to all exclusive benefits of this qualification.